Ebb & Flow Event 2
Design For Embroidery and Stitch
One day masterclass workshop led by 62 Group Honorary Member Diana Springall.
Part of the Ebb and Flow Exhibition events this one day masterclass offered participants an exceptional opportunity to work with Textile Artist Diana Springall. This was a painting exercise for textiles in interpretation of subjects observed. Participants developed work in response to local Grimsby features and developed their understanding of interpretation and composition
Diana Springall is one of Britain’s best-known textile artists. Her work is found in many private and public collections, including the Embroiderers’ Guild and the Victoria and Albert Museum.
Diana is one of the 62 Groups’ non-exhibiting Honorary Members.
You can find out more about Diana by following these links:
An interview with the Victoria and Albert Museum
Embroiderers Guild
Dianaspringall Collection
Diana Springall
Fishing Heritage Centre
1 Day
Thurs. 2nd Oct. 2014
10am to 4pm
Adults at all levels
For me the most useful part of this masterclass was the encouragement to play and experiment.
Good ideas, well explained and sufficient time to work and to look at others work.
Diana is an excellent tutor who was very generous with her time, skills and knowledge.