62 Group – NOW
The 62 Group of Textile Artists is delighted to announce their forthcoming exhibition at the Upfront Gallery, Cumbria. The group will be exhibiting work on an open theme, reflecting the diversity of subjects, materials and approaches explored by it’s members. 62 Group – NOW aims to present the work of the group as a snapshot or moment in time. Members will be submitting work that represents current projects and areas of research. The exhibition runs from 17th March to 10th May 2015.
“The 62 Group of Textile Artists last exhibited at Upfront in Cumbria as part of the ‘Red’ exhibition tour in 2002. The Group are excited to be making a return visit to the gallery in 2015 with ‘62 Group Now’ an eclectic collection of our member’s current work”
Sue Stone – Chair 62 Group of Textile Artists

Nr Hutton-in-the-Forest
Penrith Cumbria CA11 9TG
Upfront Gallery
Tuesday – Sunday 10.30am – 4.30pm
Closed Mondays except Bank Holidays