Construct Exhibition Sunny Bank Mills Gallery
- to put together substances or parts systematically; build; assemble.
- to frame mentally (an argument, sentence etc.).
- Geom. to draw (a line, angle, or figure) so that certain requirements are satisfied.
- something formulated or built systematically.
- a complex idea resulting from a synthesis of simpler ideas.
This summer, the 62 Group of Textile Artists will be showcasing a brand new exhibition on the theme ‘CONSTRUCT’. The exhibition will be showing at Sunny Bank Mills, near Leeds, West Yorkshire, from 20th July to 15th September. The gallery has a growing reputation for showcasing contemporary textile art in a setting context rich with historical textile references.
An exhibition where members have responded to the theme of CONSTRUCT.
The theme CONSTRUCT offers a rich seam to mine for inspiration. Works built using a range of textile construction techniques, diverse materials and structural forms, will surely have a focus, alongside pieces inspired by the built environment. Less obvious interpretations around the construction of ideas, arguments and narratives may also be seen. Also expect to see pieces referencing the Mill building itself and the textile heritage of the site.
Earlier this year 62 Group members were fortunate to receive a tour of Sunny Bank Mills, including the fascinating mill archives and several fascinating derelict buildings, which are scheduled for imminent demolition. Sunny Bank Mills was founded as a textile mill in 1829, with the site and buildings growing and evolving until 1929. It isn’t long since the mill was a thriving textile manufacturer, producing mainly worsted suiting fabrics and supplying to some of the biggest names worldwide. Since it closed as a textile manufacturer, the mill buildings have been reimagined and restored and are now a thriving centre for commercial and creative enterprise, with the light bright gallery at the mill’s hub.
The final weeks of CONSTRUCT see the mill at its busiest, during the national Heritage Open Days scheme. There will be a host of special events taking place during this period, with the archive and the gallery as the focus. The Sunny Bank Mill archive is unusual in being an intact archive of a textile manufacturer, in situ. The Archive represents a unique look at 180 years of cloth produced at the mill. It includes over 300 guard books containing thousands of textile cuttings, over 60,000 lengths of fabric, 8,000 fabric designs, 5,000 wool dyeing recipe cards and 100 leather bound ledgers and cash books. The archive is open to the public on the first Wednesday of every month between10am to12pm (free access) or by appointment.
CONSTRUCT promises to be an exciting stand-alone exhibition of new work from the 62 Group, which follows the success of their touring show CTRL/Shift (Touring from 2018 – 2020, MAC Birmingham, NCCD, Sleaford, 20:21 Arts Centre).
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83-85 Town St,
LS28 5UJ
Saturday 20 July – Sunday 15 September 2019
Tuesday – Saturday 10-4pm
Sunday: 11-3pm
Monday: Closed