
Fiberart International (USA) international travelling group exhibition

Till August 22nd in Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, Pittsburgh. The exhibition will travel to  the Memorial Art gallery of the university of Rochester and the San Francisco museum of Craft  + Design, for more details see: .http://fiberartinternational.org

Textiel / textuur Monumental VZW, Bornem in Belgium

9 artists will show each several works from October 10th till December 5th 2010

For details: http://users.telenet.be/monumental/Welkom.html

Gallery De Kapberg in Egmond a/d Hoef (Netherlands) Nov 20th – dec 22th  small solo shows of four textile artists, see www.galeriedekapberg.nl

Tilleke will have work in some new books:

1000 Artisan Textiles, book by Rockport Publishers/Quarry Books  USA, May 2010

‘Street Knowledge is an encyclopaedia of visual street culture written by  King Adz and published by

HarperCollins in September  2010