Flox Den Hartog Jager
Flox Den Hartog Jager
As a young woman Flox’s ambition was to become a goldsmith, but her life took a different turn: she studied library sciences, philosophy and history. When she inherited bags full of patches from her mother in law she started quilting. She made numerous bed spreads for children and over time her quilts became more experimental. Textile turned out to be a good alternative to the jewellery that Flox once thought to make. When her children went of to study she fully immersed herself into her creative side and followed a large number of master classes and workshops.
From 2002 to 2009 Flox wrote articles for Quiltnieuws, the magazine of the Dutch Quilters Guild. She reported on her own experiments every quarter and interviewed many professional quilters. Some of these articles were translated and published in the magazines of the Danish and German quilters guild.
Beside writing Flox is an enthusiastic organizer of exhibitions, starting in 2009 with the art quilt exhibition ‘Uit de Naad’ in De Kunst in Alkmaar. From 2011 onwards she organizes the Biezenmortel Masterclass, which takes place every three or four year for students that make the transition from being an amateur/ hobbyist to artistry.
Flox is a member of the Dutch Textile Group StiQS since 2005 and provides the PR for the groups exhibitions. She exhibits regularly in the Netherlands either with StiQS or as a individual artist.
Talks: No
Commissions: No
Artists A - G
- Imogen Aust
- Alison Aye
- Louise Baldwin
- Helen Banzhaf
- Claire Barber
- Caroline Bartlett
- Jan Beaney
- Heather Belcher
- Eszter Bornemisza
- Hilary Bower
- Michael Brennand-Wood
- Lucy Brown
- Hazel Bruce
Daisy May Collingridge - Isobel Currie
- Helen Davies
- Flox Den Hartog Jager
- Catherine Dormor
- Dawn Dupree
- Isabel Fletcher
- Gavin Fry
- Caren Garfen
- Emily Jo Gibbs
- Ann Goddard
- Anna Gravelle
Artists H - M
Artists N - Z
- Athena Nemeth
- Sumi Perera
- Ali Pickard
- Marilyn Rathbone
- Shuna Rendel
- Vanessa Rolf
- Fiona Rutherford
- Tilleke Schwarz
- Lynn Setterington
- Jennifer Smith-Windsor
- Sally Spinks
- Sue Stone
- Andi Walker
- Jane Walkley
- Wera (Associate)
- Hannah White
- Teresa Whitfield
- Ealish Wilson
- Woo Jin Joo
- Atsuko Yamamoto
- Helen Yardley