Helen Banzhaf
Helen Banzhaf
Helen has been making textiles since 1989. Her work is exhibited both at home and abroad and her textiles are featured in books and publications.
When I first began making decorative textiles I had to have an actual ceramic piece as my inspiration. Its shape, form and colours spurred me on with the design. I loved recreating these three dimensional pieces in stitches. Nowadays, most of my depicted vessels don’t exist. They are figments of my imagination. And what I find most exciting is that my initial design bears little resemblance to the finished embroidery. The patterns, shapes and colours change and evolve as I work the piece.
Not Available
London, England
Greater London
Workshops: Yes
Talks: No
Commissions: Yes
Artists A - G
- Imogen Aust
- Alison Aye
- Louise Baldwin
- Helen Banzhaf
- Claire Barber
- Caroline Bartlett
- Jan Beaney
- Heather Belcher
- Eszter Bornemisza
- Hilary Bower
- Michael Brennand-Wood
- Lucy Brown
- Hazel Bruce
Daisy May Collingridge - Isobel Currie
- Helen Davies
- Flox Den Hartog Jager
- Catherine Dormor
- Dawn Dupree
- Isabel Fletcher
- Gavin Fry
- Caren Garfen
- Emily Jo Gibbs
- Ann Goddard
- Anna Gravelle
Artists H - M
Artists N - Z
- Athena Nemeth
- Sumi Perera
- Ali Pickard
- Marilyn Rathbone
- Shuna Rendel
- Vanessa Rolf
- Fiona Rutherford
- Tilleke Schwarz
- Lynn Setterington
- Jennifer Smith-Windsor
- Sally Spinks
- Sue Stone
- Andi Walker
- Jane Walkley
- Wera (Associate)
- Hannah White
- Teresa Whitfield
- Ealish Wilson
- Woo Jin Joo
- Atsuko Yamamoto
- Helen Yardley